"Our Whole Life Quest"

Our whole life quest, is to try to find a little peace of happiness in a fallen world, were life is meant for suffering. The fears and dangers to which men are subject, are of two kinds; temporal and eternal. Men are frequently in distress from fear of temporal evils. We live in an evil world, where we are liable to an abundance of sorrows and calamities. A great part of our lives is spent in sorrowing for present or past evils, and in fearing those which are future. What poor, distressed creatures are we, If we visit a place with mortal and prevailing sickness, what terror seizes our hearts! If any person is taken sick, and trembles for their life, or if our near friends are at the point of death, or in many other dangers, how fearful is our condition. Now there is, sufficient foundation for peace and safety to those exercised with such fears, and brought into such dangers.

I believe the quest for happiness, has to come out of hope, we have tohave hope. It would be, dreadful to lie down and rise up, it would be dreadful to eat and drink, and to walk about, in despair from day to day. One, in such a way, is ready to be afraid of every thing; being afraid of being in despair, wherever you go. You will have no peace in your mind, but there would be dreadful sounds in your ears; your mind is afflicted and tossed with tempest, and not comforted, and courage is ready to fail, and the spirit ready to sink with fear; and what would we not give for peace of conscience, what would not we give if we could find safety! When such fears exist to a great degree, or are continued a long time, they greatly enfeeble the heart, and bring it to a trembling posture and disposition. So happiness is our medicine for our reality!


The Good News said…
“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.”
― Maya Angelou
When I think about how Dr. Maya Angelou, would stress this all through her precious works, I think about the person who just lost their job, the person who is so depress they can't get out of bed, the bad news given to a patient leaving the Doctor's office.. etc. It really does take courage to take the next step, to overcome life's difficult places.
If we are going to ever do anything worthwhile, there will be times when we must risk everything by leaping into the dark. In the spiritual realm, Jesus Christ demands that we risk everything we hold on to or believe through common sense, and leap by faith.
Trust completely in God, and when He brings you to a new opportunity of adventure, offering it to you, see that you take it.- R.I.P Maya Angelo

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