“Son of man, can these bones live?”-Ezekiel 37:3

I have to confess.. a spirit of dryness has come over me, that speaks to Ezekiel 37. God is speaking to Ezekiel, over a graveyard of dry bones, that looks hopeless in revival..in fact God asks Ezekiel, “Son of man, can these bones live?”  They were so dispersed, so destitute of all helps and advantages which might further their return, and so dispirited likewise in their own minds, no vision, comparing to a valley full of the dry bones.(Ezekiel. 37:1-10

Now, this was the church..some how it became divided and routine in their ways and instead of impregnating the world..the world influenced the church (the congregation of the dead). The world can get on top of us, with death, lost of a job, sickness, and any number of situations, but as God instructed Ezekiel to speak a word of hope over these dry bones, even dead and dry bones begin to move when they are called to hear the word of the Lord.  

When we are overburdened, the world seems a colder place. The sun may be shining, but our heads are bowed low, so we don’t notice. The birds sing, but our ears are filled with the cries of our hearts—exclamations of pain, sorrow and weariness. We put distance between us and others as our problems absorb our time and attention. Perhaps we are weighed down by unmet expectations, sudden trauma or death, or simply too much responsibility.Jeremiah 6:16 ends with God pointing out the Israelite's’ response: “But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.”’ It is only when we trust in the Father’s plan that we will find relief from our burdens. Let us stand, look, ask, and walk so that we might find the rest which the Lord has promised for our souls.Let go and let God restore and refresh our life.


The Good News said…
Maybe like Ezekiel 37:1-2..you have wondered, “God, all I can see before me are difficult things. Why are You leading me through this dark valley?” It is because in the valley of dry bones, there is no other source of life. We have no breath of our own there, no power or strength. The valley of death brings us to a place of total dependency. Looking back, I thank God for every moment . In the midst of all my life’s dry bones, I see that God orchestrated a place where my life ends and His life begins.
The Good News said…
Life for us is so fragile . Inevitably, we find ourselves emotionally and spiritually in the ditch, broken-down, frightened, and wondering if we’re going to make it. It happens so fast. One phone call. One visit to the doctor. One broken relationship. But we are not without hope.
The Good News said…
God instructed Ezekiel to speak a word of hope over these dry bones, even dead and dry bones begin to move when they are called to hear the word of the Lord.(Ezekiel. 37:1-10)

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