It's Okay to be Overwhelm...1 KINGS 18:46

It seems that I'm always in a state of being overwhelmed, from March 13, 2020 to April 29, 2020, I had Covid-19 along with struggling with my MS issues and falling behind with financial issue, my anxiety meter is going through the roof. So when the Lord gripped me with the verse in 1 KINGS 18:46 in the AMP version, Then the hand of the Lord came upon Elijah [giving him supernatural strength]. He girded up his loins and outran Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel [nearly twenty miles]. I saw a supernatural power that the Lord could only supply in use when everything seems to fall apart.  Here I am reminded that the apostle Paul also says in Phil 3:14 that we should throw off all weights and measures and anything that may hinder us from running full force toward the prize of what God established for us.

Along with the supernatural strength that he needed to outrun the chariot of Ahab, God gave Elijah more than just natural strength.  Elijah received strength of body, as well as courage and fortitude of mind.  God gave his mind the endurance, grit, stamina, determination and resilience he would need for the 20 mile journey to Jezreel.  

In this story, there was a three-and-a-half-year drought in Israel. If it did not rain soon the people would perish. God was ready to pour out a blessing upon the land and Elijah prayed for rain to come. As he sat praying on the mountaintop, Elijah looked out to see if his cry was being answered but there was no evidence of a response from God.  Like Elijah, we must continue in earnest prayer and not faint or give over to doubt and unbelief. 
Elijah’s commitment to prayer for rain, was a call upon God to show up and show out. Elijah’s prayer was for something greater than himself that would bless the world around him.


The Good News said…
Just like Elijah, the hand of the Lord can give us the supernatural strength to outrun chariots of fear, doubt, debt, cancer, Covid-19, MS, diabetes, high blood pressure, laziness, ignorance and any other affliction that causes us to miss the mark. He will give the spiritual, mental and physical strength to those who are running into their destiny, to outrun their chariots with purpose, on purpose.

The Good News said…
Elijah, shows us the power of being in the spirit and not the flesh.Elijah's name means “Yahweh is my God”, God cannot fill us if we are already filled. It took ten days to drain the apostles, even though they had spent three years under the immediate teachings of Christ. But the emptying process was leaning to the day of Pentecost. For Elijah, this process went on beside the drying brook and during the long and dreary march to Zarephath. Let us also believe that He does fill us, as soon as we yield ourselves to Him. You do not want more of Him more urgently than He wants more of you, James 4:5. For me I have been in a hospital bed for a year... and I've learnt to empty myself and be filled with HIM the Holy Spirit....we must refuse to consider ourselves, to diagnose our symptoms, or feel our pulse; but must launch out upon the deep of God’s truthfulness and let down our nets for a drought of power and blessing.
The Good News said…
Peter, was the same man who, fifty days earlier, denied Jesus three times on the night he was arrested. The same man who realized that Jesus had predicted he would do that, and “went out and wept bitterly,” according to Luke. But do you realize that from that time until the end of the Bible, Peter’s denials are never mentioned again? When Peter refers to Jesus, he doesn’t beat himself up in public for denying Him, although he certainly could have. Pentecost, showed us that Peter had the goods.Lately I have been feeling like the denial Peter, living out the book of Job.We say Jesus, take control..but subconsciously, when things go haywire, we can't take it. I had even got to the point asking the Lord please end my life like Elijah. Elijah is bold and courageous, victoriously facing all kinds of odds with chapter 18 concluding, “the hand of the Lord was on Elijah, and he girded up his loins and outran Ahab to Jezreel.” Elijah experienced God’s supernatural strength to do the extraordinary. But in chapter 19, we find Elijah fearful, running scared, exhausted, depressed, and wanting to die.-1 Kings 19:4-14
The Good News said…
When the Lord speaks to each of the churches in the Book of Revelation, notice that He says, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." I want a hearing ear; I want God to lead my life. Sure, I have had a wonderful past; in fact, it has been a miraculous journey. But I have learned that God is not interested in my ideas. If He is not leading, there is no power in it, and we are merely on our own with our little tabernacles on the top of the mountain, talking about our past spiritual experiences.

We often cannot hear the Lord because, just as with Peter and the others, we are still leaning on our own strength and understanding. It is similar to the time when Jesus told Peter, "Where I am going, you cannot follow Me." What was Peter's response? "Oh, yes, I will follow You. And if You go to Jerusalem to die, I will go and die with You. These others here may not have the courage to go, but I will not turn back!" (see Matthew 26:33, 35). He was full of himself—full of his own ideas and his own strength.

Yet Jesus was trying to speak to him, saying, "Peter, before the rooster crows, you are going to deny Me three times" (see Matthew 26:34). But Peter could not hear it because he was still relying on his own strength and ideas. He did not understand that where Christ leads, we cannot follow without His strength. So, God had to bring Peter to the end of himself.

He had to bring him to a place where he had nothing left to say. After he denied Jesus three times, all he could do was weep bitterly. All his boasting came to an end, and when it did, he could finally start to hear the voice of the Son of God.
The Good News said…
We are all prone to saying, "It was so good back there, wasn't it?" We forget the depression, the addiction, the brokenness. And so we are unwilling to make the break. A lot of people want that little sip of something to make them feel good, or that little peek on the internet at things they should not be looking at—and then they wonder why they cannot hear the voice of God.

Sometimes we are unwilling to make the break from our past achievements. We want to sit in our office and gaze at all our certificates on the wall. Yet consider how the apostle Paul said, "What things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ" (Philippians 3:7). We must be willing to be led away from even good things. Remember, Peter had concluded, "Lord, it is good for us to be here" (Matthew 17:4). Yet what God has for us is even better than what we declare to be good.
The Good News said…
Yes, the mountaintop offered this wonderful spiritual experience. But at the bottom of the mountain was a father crying out for his demon-possessed child who was being destroyed by the powers that had hold of him. Consider what is happening to our children—the unbridled passion, the unmitigated confusion, the sense of hopelessness and anger that is consuming this present generation. You and I can live our Christian life just talking about old experiences, or we can follow Jesus down the mountain to where human need really is.

That is exactly what happened in Acts chapter two. The disciples were in the Upper Room having a marvelous experience. The Spirit of God filled every one of them, and they were given this explosive ability to communicate with people of other cultures and other languages. They could have just stayed there and spoken in tongues for the next five years.

However, they were led by the voice of God to spiritual need. Just outside, there were thousands of people coming from the temple, making great journeys to get there. Worshiping God in the best way they knew how, they remained deficient and short of redemption through the Son of God. The disciples heard the voice of God leading them out of their wonderful spiritual experience right into a morass of spiritual need. That is how the Church was born, and that is how she was led all the way through the Book of Acts.
The Good News said…
I was having a post Covid-19 episode ....pressure on my chest, can't breathe. In the multitude of my thoughts within me your comforts delight my soul.
- Psalm 94:19 “We never know what we may encounter each day. That is unknown, but we can’t fear the unknown, our anxiety seems to multiply. Why is that? Because we have God. We have God in our hearts. We have something to lean on. So, no matter what issues we encounter, we’re not afraid; we have the Holy Spirit to lean on and we have motivation. When we are back into a corner, being constantly afraid of what might happen. We don’t want to get into a car accident, we don’t want to provoke a lawsuit or a quarrel, we don’t want to offend our boss, colleagues, relatives, or people who are useful to us, we don’t want to run into any disasters…. We get wound up tightly in our hearts, multiplying these thoughts of anxiety every day, fearing that these things might happen. We seem pathetic, helpless, and with nothing to lean on. We’re different. We don’t need to fear those things; God is supreme, He is our Lord, we can lean on Him, He is our Rock. God has already told us the principles of what we should practice when we encounter an issue. We live our lives in the light, in peace. ”
The Good News said…
If you are in the midst of an overwhelming struggle, you must learn the word God gave to Zechariah: "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord" (Zechariah 4:6). As mere vessels that God uses, we should be thankful for anything He accomplishes through us. And by giving Him all the credit, we need never feel defeated with disappointment. Rather, in spite of how things may appear, we trust Him to achieve His good purpose.
The Good News said…
Your about to give into that illness, that heartbreak that creeps up always during this time of year, then you heard a WORD.
The Good News said…
I have been meditating on Psalms 119 verse 126..given to me by the good Bishop to put into my spirit for the month of November. We are living in a time of turmoil and division, even to the point were our circumstances are affected by a spirit of sinisterism. Verse 126. -- It is time for thee, Lord. Some read it, and the original will bear it, "It is time to work for thee, O Lord;" it is time for every one in his place to appear on the Lord's side, against the threatening growth of profaneness and immorality. We must do what we can for the support of the sinking interests of God's mercy on us, and, after all, we must beg of God to take the work into his own hands, to save us from ourselves. Thou art "slow to anger, but great in power, and wilt not surely clear the wicked" ( Nahum 1:3 ).
The Good News said…
The Lord had me search my own heart with Luke 4:28-30 . The people reacted explosively to what Jesus words that they didn't want to hear or experience. When they heard his words, the people were furious. They jumped up and mobbed him and forced him to the edge of the hill on which the town was built. They intend to push him over the cliff , but he passed right through the crowd and went on his way.
From August till now, I have experienced the worst episodes of my MS ...I wanted the Lord to take me home ..with going in and out of the hospital and rehabilitation nursing home with blood clotting and stroke episodes, l ask the Lord why this dark valley? Luke 4:28-30 honestly made me feel the fury of that crowd, in my current situation, I was ashamed of myself.
What infuriated me was that I built my identity on being God's and suffering like this should not continue like this...I was feeling like in a down fall, my nerves on edge my anxiety off the charts..with circumstances so desperate rock bottom was visible.
The Good News said…
Job was overwhelmed after losing his livelihood, his health, and his family. Worse still, although Job had been a daily worshiper of God, he felt that the Lord was ignoring his pleas for help. God seemed absent from the landscape of his life. Job claimed he could not see God whether he looked to the north, south, east, or west (Job 23:2–9).
In the middle of his despair, Job had a moment of clarity. His faith flickered to life like a candle in a dark room. He said, “[God] knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold” (v. 10). Christians are tried and purified when God uses difficulty to burn away our self-reliance, pride, and earthly wisdom. If it seems as if God is silent during this process and He is not answering our cries for help, He may be giving us an opportunity to grow stronger in our faith. Pain and problems can produce the shining, rock-solid character that comes from trusting God when life is hard.
— Jennifer Benson Schuldt
The Good News said…
Your scars are testimonies to your resilience, your tears, drops of Healing and Resilience. You deserved to be treated with kindness, and today, in this timeless embrace, I offer you the compassion you deserved.
You are not alone, you never were!. In every beat of my heart, you carry an echo of that courage that held you on difficult days. I embrace you with love and acceptance. Reminding you that you deserved then, and you deserve now

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