The Truth About Probiotics

"Good bacteria may help with inflammation"

Just like anyone who has been diagnosed with a life threading disease ( me, MS), you are exploring the Internet for alternative medicine. I, just found out that pro-biotic comes from the Greek word pro, meaning"promoting" and biotic meaning "life", how can I go wrong...Pro-biotic are live micro-organisms which when present in large amounts can deliver health benefits to the body. Many of us think that bacteria is all bad for us, not so... these micro-organisms are, a live, and you probably asking why would I consume live bacteria?
Our digestive system normally has both "good" and "bad" bacteria. In fact the digestive tract is like a rain forest ecosystem with billions of bacteria and yeasts. Some of those internal inhabitants are more helpful to our body then others. Pro-biotic s not only help the digestive tract function, but they also reduce the presences of less healthful organisms, by literally crowding them out.
When you have an Auto-immune disease, this helps strengthen our immune system against respiratory infections. In fact I remember that my first signs of MS ( Multiple sclerosis ) came after a battle with the Flu virus (wet nile virus ) and I went to the Hospital to receive antibiotics. You see antibiotics gets rid of all the bacteria "good" and "bad" in your system, just to fight the virus in our system. Then our bodies, once the virus is gone, has to work hard just to restore those "good" and "bad" bacteria.
What I suggest for good probiotics sources are yoqurt and kefir, loaded with acidophilus and other probiotics bacteria. Remember our digestive system is the primary way we take in our energy to fuel our lives. So take care of it with the help of probiotics.
Enzymatic Therapy Acidophilus Pearls (90 Capsules)
Amazon Price: $15.31
List Price: $37.49
Digestive Enyzmes 6 Bottles
Amazon Price: $33.54
