" A Marvelous Thing "

The Lord, has put on my heart,the miraculous cure of a man that was born blind, John 9:1-41. We have Jesus giving sight to a poor beggar that had been blind from his birth.If we, put our selves in the condition of this poor man  He was blind, and had been so from his birth. If the light is sweet, how sad must it needs be for a man, all his days, to eat in darkness! He that is blind has no enjoyment of the light, but he that is born blind has no idea of it. And the disciples asked Jesus, was his blindness the result, of his parents sins, or his sins. It is important to note, that, Christ cured many that were blind by disease or accident, but here he cured one that was born blind. That shows me the marvelous thing, only Christ can do, this man has not known any light, any hope, in his life, and Christ is glorified in this man's testimony of "once I was blind, now I see". 

The Lord can speak to those that have been crippled by some darkness in their life not even knowing any other course in life.You have been burden with some illness all your life, some condition your family says, you just have to live with it. That's a lie from the devil. When God is about to work deliverance, he is said to see our affliction; so Christ saw this poor man. Others saw him, but not as he did. This poor man could not see Christ. Christ is often found of those that seek him not, nor see him, Isaiah 65:1 And, if we know or apprehend any thing of Christ, it is because we were first known of him, Gal 4:9 and apprehended by him, Phil 3:9.


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