The Power of Prayer

The power of prayer let us know our immorality in life, specially in a time of sickness or hard-times. Many people look back on times of sickness as times when they grew closer to God, learned to trust Him more, and/or learned how to truly value life. This is the perspective God has because He is sovereign and knows the end result. We can't call on our selves to help our selves, there has to be a higher power, and what makes us come to that conclusion, when we are in need, and a need to pray.

You see, prayer takes real faith which is still something more. It is not just knowing, even being convinced, that something is true, but accepting it as true for you. Not true for the church, not true for a preacher, not true for your parents, not true for your friend, but true for YOU.

When we pray it is an act of faith and belief. We live by faith, everyday without even thinking about it. You got up today believing that your clothes would be in your closet, that breakfast would be served, and that there would be a a job there this morning. You did all of this up till this moment without questioning any of it. Yet, someone could have stolen your clothes, the job could have burned down, and you might not have shown up. Thieves, fires, and no-shows happen every day - they just don’t happen to us. You also take risks when you exercise this faith without thinking. For example, you go to doctors whose names you may not even know, receive prescriptions you can’t read, take it to pharmacists you've never seen, and take the medicine he gives you without understanding what’s in it. You do all of this without examining the credentials of the doctor, questioning the validity of the prescription or the accuracy of the pharmacist or investigating the effects of the medicine. You could be killing yourself, but you never think about it twice! You simply trust that things are as they should be, and this is the experience of faith. But the kind of faith we use every day is not sufficient when in it comes to the big decisions in life (think about it) prayer just expands our faith so much more.


The Good News said…
When we can’t help ourselves and call for help, when we don’t like where we are and want out, when we don’t like who we are and want a change, we use primal language, and this language becomes the root language of prayer.”
Prayer begins in trouble, and it continues because we’re always in trouble at some level. It requires no special preparation, no precise vocabulary, no appropriate posture. It springs from us in the face of necessity and, in time, becomes our habitual response to every issue—good and bad—we face in this life (Phil. 4:6).
The Good News said…
Samuel's name means: "God heard my prayers!" Time after time we read of the people urging Samuel, "Pray for us." It was because they'd learned to trust his prayers! And in these last days, there is going to be a praying remnant whom people will seek for prayer as well. People will run to find them, crying, "I know someone who touches God!" - Pastor David Wilkerson-
The Good News said…
Prayer is a salve for every sore, a remedy for every malady; and when we are afflicted with thorns in the flesh we can give ourselves to prayer. ..much prayers..We fight the “battle before the battle.” Through prayer and meditation on Scripture, we work through any uncertainties and fears. We reaffirm in our heart that this is the Lord’s battle, declare He has won the victory, and wait for His timing. When we act, we do it God’s way, with trust in His presence and provision.
The Good News said…
What does the Lord use to get our attention? At times His tool is a restless spirit, which might appear as some vague dissatisfaction with life. Other times He uses a person’s words to help us recognize that He is speaking to us. Blessing us in an unusual way is another method that He employs (Rom. 2:4). In each case, we are to stop and ask, “Lord, are You trying to say something to me?”
God sometimes allows our prayers to remain unanswered as a way of prompting us to sharpen our focus on Him. Or He may say no to our request in order to gain our attention. Likewise, disappointments, failures, and difficulties are occasionally His chosen tool for the same purpose. In all cases, though, He acts in our best interest.
If we are wise, we will quickly seek Him out.
The Good News said…
The reason many of us stop praying and become hard toward God is that we only have an emotional interest in prayer. It sounds good to say that we pray, and we read books on prayer which tell us that prayer is beneficial— that our minds are quieted and our souls are uplifted when we pray. But Isaiah implied in chapter 59 :16, that God is amazed at such thoughts about prayer.
Instead of worshiping God, we recite speeches to God about how prayer is supposed to work. Are we worshiping God or disputing Him when we say, “But God, I just don’t see how you are going to do this”? This is a sure sign that we are not worshiping. When we lose sight of God, we become hard and dogmatic.
The Good News said…
We left that closet of prayer having unburdened our hearts. We told Him of our hopes, our dreams, our desires. We left that holy place of prayer with a satisfied mind. Yet, our Lord was still there waiting with keen anticipation, longing to share in that communion. I believe our Lord says, "Yes, yes, thank you for your praise. I accept it. I'm so glad you took the time to be shut in with Me. I have heard your request and the Father will give you the desire of your heart. But please, wait! Don't leave just now. I have some things I want to share with you. My heart is yearning to be unburdened to you. I've bottled your tears, I've soothed your troubled mind. Now, allow Me to talk! Allow Me to tell you what is on My heart"
The Good News said…

A dear friend, Twalya Torney Harris minister to me last week on a word from God on 1 King 18 vs. 41...Elijah had faith to send his servant to the sea seven times to keep looking for the rain cloud. He was certain that it would come. Then, when the tiniest cloud appeared on the horizon, he knew that heavy rain was coming. My dear friend she tells me to be specific in our prayers. The reason many of us stop praying and become hard toward God is that we only have an emotional interest in prayer. It sounds good to say that we pray, and we read books on prayer which tell us that prayer is beneficial— that our minds are quieted and our souls are uplifted when we pray. But Isaiah implied in chapter 59 :16, that God is amazed at such thoughts about prayer. When man’s judgments run down like a river God’s mercy will. Rain is the river of God, Ps. 65:9.
Instead of worshiping God, we recite speeches to God about how prayer is supposed to work. Are we worshiping God or disputing Him when we say, “But God, I just don’t see how you are going to do this”? This is a sure sign that we are not worshiping. When we lose sight of God, we become hard and dogmatic.

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