Happiness Is Our Medicine
I believe the quest for happiness, has to come out of hope, we have to have hope. It would be, dreadful to lie down and rise up, it would be dreadful to eat and drink, and to walk about, in despair from day to day. One, in such a way, is ready to be afraid of every thing; being afraid of being in despair, wherever you go. You will have no peace in your mind, but there would be dreadful sounds in your ears; your mind is afflicted and tossed with tempest, and not comforted, and courage is ready to fail, and the spirit ready to sink with fear; and what would we not give for peace of conscience, what would not we give if we could find safety! When such fears exist to a great degree, or are continued a long time, they greatly enfeeble the heart, and bring it to a trembling posture and disposition. So happiness is our medicine for our reality.