" The pay-off "
I was reading John 5:6 and it really convicted me. Jesus encounters a man who was ill and had been sitting at the pool of Bethesda for 38 years. And honestly this has to be the most insensitive healing text in the Bible, because Jesus asks him the really harsh question: “do you want to be made well?” and the guy doesn't even answer the question, when asked if he wants to be made well he says no one will help me into the water and when I try to get in other people get in the way.
I don’t want to be a jerk, but seriously? That’s the guy’s answer? Not to diminish his illness but it makes me wonder what the pay-off might have been to staying ill since when asked if he wanted to be made well... he didn't seem very interested.
I started thinking about how hard it is to be honest about the pay-off's we get from things we say we want to be free from. You can ask any alcoholic or drug addict in recovery about this. " When I was still drinking and drugging, I’d bemoan my hangovers and the fact I couldn't manage to keep a decent job. But there was a pay-off. I got to live without any real responsibility and do as I like no matter how it effected others and the best pay-off was that I got to be inebriated whenever life or basic human emotions or the results of my bad decisions started feeling too bad." This is the common response in rehab. It’s not just drunks or addicts though. Not by far.
Some of us spend money we don’t have on things we don’t need which boosts our mood until we get the bills which is then so depressing we have to start the whole thing over and shop some more just to boost our mood. All the while we complain about how in debt we are in. It’s like clutching our bills by the side of the pool at Bethesda and having Jesus walk by and say “Do you really want to be free from the bondage of debt”. Jesus is just the worst some times. Being honest about what the pay-off is staying in a situation I say I want out of is just more truthfulness than I feel comfortable with. But that’s the kind of truth Jesus seems to always be putting up in my face when I read texts like this one.