In The Room
We may be facing so many pressures of the world, that we need a place to get away from the mortgage being do, or that bank note pass due, an illness in the family that take up room in your heart and mind. At those times God tries to get us alone in a room, much like in the aftermath of Jesus being crucified, his disciples meet in a room. They were pressured all around by the crowd and authorities, in fear of their own lives. I, like what John 20: 19-29 records. “When the doors were shut (locked) where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them, ‘ Peace be with you’” ( John 20:19). A week later it happened again, when Jesus enter through locked doors to bring peace through his presence ( John 26:29).
Were, are you reading your kitchen, your car, getting a coffee at Starbucks, a prison cell? Or perhaps you’re in a hospital or courtroom. That’s the room God got you alone, to give you this kind of peace the world cannot understand. In the midst of our turmoil Jesus can give us this peace. Jesus is the very room, whether it’s a room that reflects everything that’s right in your life or a place that shows all that’s wrong. Jesus has enough hope and power to chance away any gloom. Amen
Thankfully, Psalm 46:10 calls on us to let go. But it’s not letting go without knowing to whom we’re letting it go. Notice that the verse says, “Be still, and know.” Normally, when life is a confusing puzzle, what we know is overshadowed by what we feel. Our emotions threaten to drown us like a scary tsunami. It’s easy to get submerged in a wave of anxiety or a surge of self-pity. But notice that God says the only way we are going to be able to let go and relax is to remember who God is—and to know that He loves us, that He is not confused, that He is in the details, and that, as we obey and trust Him, He is working to make sense of it all.