" How Do I Say Goodbye To A Friend "

When life gets in the way, I can only reflect, exam and evaluate,  clarifying my childhood friend's life, by living backwards. The backwards look is what we have to put reason to the doubts, pain and despair we experience in our daily circumstances. We can only see our soul and emotions displayed through the rearview mirror. Psalms 73.. 

What I do know is that the Lord is our shepherd, during these times of difficulties.. he gives us intervals of peace, to be lead by those still waters, not worrying or overcome by the circumstance at moment. He becomes our peace, like a balming blanket, letting us know everything will be alright. My friend was looking for an escape, those green pastures and calming waters that would put his soul at ease. 

Facing those battlefields of life, and  times when cracks and craves of our life fill up with something beyond ourselves. We can walk through the valley of death, because He's like the rod and staff, that pushes us beyond ourselves to make through to the other side.

The Lord told me my childhood friend is now seated at His table were all his past enemies are before him in defeat, and he is free of the bondage, anointed with his cup running over in the Lord's presents..the fight is over, peace for every more in the house of the Lord.Psalms 23....Amen!

This is dedicated to my childhood friend, I grew up with..He wanted to be with the Lord and his mother and father again, his soul was tried and the Lord took him home. Terrace Johnson, Rest In Peace. 


The Good News said…
Dear Lord, You bless me in more ways than I can count. Thank You for Your love for me.(Ps. 23). God refreshed us with “green pastures” and “quiet waters” . He gives us guidance, protection, and comfort . David concluded: “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.”
The Good News said…
There will be experiences in each of our lives. That we will have times of despair caused by real events in our lives, the valleys,and we will be unable to lift ourselves out of them. We can never let the sense of past failure defeat our next step.
The Good News said…
"Time spent waiting on God is never wasted. How often I have been in my prayer closet just silently waiting on Him. The empty study, the noise of the central heating and the thought in my mind ” is He here?”. Yet throughout the day, I reflect on that waiting, and I realize that, not only was He with me in that quiet, but He is always with me. I am reminded that just because I do not see the activities of the heavenly realm, does not mean there is no activity. "....“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.”-Psalms 23...Psalms 23 is so dear to my heart...for me it means.. When there seems to be no way out of this sorrow. The shock of grief seems to stop everything, and then God's grace gives us momentum to carry us through, when there is no reason to move forward.
The Good News said…
Psalm 23:3-4 “He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod an your staff protect and comfort me”
The Good News said…
Psalms 23...is such a beloved balm of comfort to so many. The more I read King David's acknowledgment of the Lord's being our source of provision, the more the onion is peeled back. At that moment..when you lose a love one..He is there. At that moment...when you get a bad report from the doctor..He is there. At that moment of despair, the Lord comes along side us and shadows our grief. Even when the grief over takes us ...
The Good News said…
I was counselled last year with a study in Psalm 23, The Lord is my Shepherd. Today, I realized, “I shall not want” is not a command, as I always thought of it. I shall not want BECAUSE He has the pasture, the water, because He is with me. He doesn't beat me or chase me to the places, He leads me. Yeah, I can't wait to dwell in the house of the Lord forever. There is one that knows your pain, your struggles, that void in your heart...
The Good News said…
When my anxiety takes over, I have to remind myself of Psalm 23:1-3. Just like sheep, they are totally depend on the shepherd. Without the shepherd, right way the sheep get into trouble. Having MS, over time I lose another mobile function in my body, and anxiety can blind me of what this verse ready means...
The Good News said…
We still seem to miss the full impact of its important message: God restores our soul. The way that the Lord sets our souls right is through our fellowship with Him. Even though we stray far from His path at times, He remains the Good Shepherd. We are prone to meander, but He receives us back gladly and is always willing to pardon His wayward sheep...the Father whisper, “I am with you. I cannot tell you why right now, but one day it will all make sense. You will see it was all part of my plan. It was no accident. It was no failure on your part. Hold fast. Let me embrace you in your hour of pain.”

Beloved, God has never failed to act but in goodness and love. When all means fail—his love prevails. Hold fast to your faith. Stand fast in his Word. There is no other hope in this world.
The Good News said…
"If a man will resign himself in implicit trust to the Lord Jesus, he will find that He leads the wayfaring soul into the green pastures and beside the still waters, so that even when he goes through the dark valley of the shadow of some staggering episode, he will fear no evil. Nothing in life or death, time or eternity, can stagger a soul from the certainty of the Way, for one moment." --Oswald Chambers
The Good News said…
When we truly read and understand verse 4 of Psalm 23...Even though I walk through the darkest valley,I will fear no evil, for you are with me;your rod and your staff, they comfort me...He is over death and our focus is totally on Him. God would never leave nor forsake us in a way with great mercy; and therefore he resolves never to leave nor forsake ..Amen!
The Good News said…
God uses troubles in our lives to teach us great lessons that we would never have learned otherwise. Our Lord regards these times not as difficulties, but rather as opportunities. The value of the lesson learned works into our lives and the glorious reward it leaves behind far surpasses the trial that we face. God bestows His great measure of divine grace upon us when we have descended into the valley of despair.
The Good News said…
"Father, I feel vulnerable and weak. I know You are my refuge and strength, my help in trouble. I call upon Your name, Lord. Hold on to me."-Psalm 23:4 - Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Amen Amen !!
The Good News said…
As Psalm 23:2-3 says, “…He leadeth me beside still waters, He restore the my soul…” (KJV.). Amazes me that God, through His creation, can do this for me at my very low moments. How great is our God and how loving and merciful to each of us. How can we not worship the Creator of His beautiful creation." "I believe we all need to stop for a moment in our busy lives to listen to the natural music that God has created, because the sounds of our environment are a source of healing, if we only open ourselves up and let God’s creation resonate through our bodies. I strongly believe that God created music for this same purpose."

" I heard the Lord sing to me through a sweet bird this morning.."
The Good News said…
Let not your heart be troubled…” ( John 14:1, 27). Am I then hurting Jesus by allowing my heart to be troubled? If I believe in Jesus and His attributes, am I living up to my belief? Am I allowing anything to disturb my heart, or am I allowing any questions to come in which are unsound or unbalanced? I have to get to the point of the absolute and unquestionable relationship that takes everything exactly as it comes from Him. God never guides us at some time in the future, but always here and now. I now..realize that the Lord is here now, and the freedom I receive is immediate...Amen Amen !!

Soon as I open my eyes, I say “The Lord is my shepherd” then Hope rushes into my heart.
The Good News said…
“He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul” (Ps. 23:2-3). We have probably heard this passage countless times. But no matter how often this beloved psalm is recited, we still seem to miss the full impact of its important message: God restores our soul.
The way that the Lord sets our souls right is through our fellowship with Him. Even though we stray far from His path at times, He remains the Good Shepherd. We are prone to meander, but He receives us back gladly and is always willing to pardon His wayward sheep.-Psalm 23
The Good News said…
It is important to note, though, what Psalm 23 does not say. As much as we might want to avoid hard times, this passage doesn't tell us that God will lead us around the “valley of the shadow of death.” Rather, He leads us through it (Psalm 23: 4). This means that God’s plan often requires us to walk through painful circumstances, facing those shadows and dark places in our lives. However, in the midst of the rough journey, we can remain confident by keeping our eyes on the Shepherd, who leads us safely home...He's a Good Good Father..
The Good News said…
...When He carried me to a land unknown to man, like in Psalm 23, then I knew He is with me. When He was with me for years as He was with Joseph, I became reassured He always cares. When He fed me, clothed me and met my every need for all my years, then I understood this knowledge that He reigns and forever loves me. The key I often thought was obedience but now I know it is more than that. God is a personal God who will never abandon...
"Breathe. I'm going to be okay. Breathe ..
The Good News said…
He isn’t a hireling who does little more than provide food and guidance. He doesn’t merely point us toward the grassy pasture and pools of water and say, “There’s what you need. Go and get it.” Nor does he turn a blind eye to our needs. He doesn’t run the other way when he hears our cries for help and sees us in trouble. No, he knows every pain we endure, every tear we shed, every hurt we feel. He knows when we’re too weary to go another step. He knows just how much we can take. Most of all, he knows how to rescue us and bring us to a place of healing. Time after time, he makes us lie down for a time of healing and restoration. Because of that, I lack nothing.”

In this brief verse, David gives us yet another reflection of the Lord’s character and nature. The literal Hebrew translation of the first part of this verse is Jehovah Rohi. It means “the Lord, my shepherd.”-Psalm 23