"Your faith has made you healed."
I went to scripture ..reading the healing miracles Jesus did, and there is a key source for Jesus to move ... "Your faith has made you healed." As Jesus is walking, something stops Him ... it is the cry of a needy person. No matter how many people there might be and no matter how much noise there is, Jesus can always hear the cry of a needy person and He always has the time to help a person who reaches out to Him in faith. This story is found in the book of Mark, chapter 10, verses 46-52. As the psalm says we have to go deep upon deep, Psalm 42:7.."Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls; All Your breakers and Your waves have rolled over me. " When we come together by faith we are going much farther, much deeper in our need, that Jesus will always stop and listen to our hearts cry, and grant our need for healing of our sickness in our body...Amen!
When we’re low, it can be hard to look up. Yet if we do, we see that God is the giver of all good gifts in our life—great and small—and we learn to give Him thanks...When we think honestly about how little we can do on our own to deal with our challenges in life, we realize how very weak we are. Our heart begins to cry,"Lord, how can we do such things?" That is when our Lord takes over! He comes with such a comforting message: "Lay down your weapons. Quit trying to be so self–sufficient and strong. I am your weapon and your strength. Let Me do what you never can do. I will give you My righteousness, My holiness, My rest, My strength. You cannot save yourself or please Me in any way other than by receiving the blessings of the cross by faith. Let Me be in charge of your growth in holiness."