“And you complained in your tents“
I have to confess..during the Holiday Seasons, I get overwhelmed with a depression that brings me into a spiritual battle, that cripples me with sadness of missing passed love ones and of illness. During, fasting and praying, God knocked me over with ..we often find ourselves with, ungrateful attitudes (Deuteronomy 1:27) “And you complained in your tents, and said, ‘Because the Lord hates us, He has brought us out of the land of Egypt to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites, to destroy us’'.
Do we occasionally, “in the privacy of our homes,” complain? Giving attitude about how God is working with us personally? What is our attitude about how long God is allowing certain trials to continue in our lives? What about our attitude toward our spiritual brothers and sisters in our local congregations? Are we thankful...
It is appropriate to have a respectful difference of opinion, and to discern what is right or wrong (1 Corinthians 6:2–3). But, do we ever fall into a wrong attitude of criticism and complaint toward God?
Although we are now more technologically advanced than the ancient Israelite who murmured in their tents, the fact remains—if we murmur, whether in person, over the phone, via e-mail, or on Facebook, we are still murmuring!
My misgivings arise from the fact that I search within to find how He will do what He says. My doubts spring from the depths of my own inferiority. If I detect these misgivings in myself, I should bring them into the light and confess them openly—
But before long, it will be obvious that the old self isn’t as dead as we thought. And when the old traits of my old self revive, I'll pulled back into temptations and patterns of behaviour that I thought I’d left behind. The old self fights against all that I want in Jesus