John 20..Our Fickleness..
During my devotions this morning the Lord took me to John 20, starting out... Mary Magdalene came to see the body of Jesus. This puzzles me because all through Jesus' missionary he told everyone he came to die and be risen on the third day. So the doubt was so great with Mary coming to to wash the dead body, and to anoint the body with the ointment she had prepared. And what is up with Peter and maybe John running to the tomb, once Mary told them in John 20:1-10..what was the hurry? We become so week we are praising Jesus on Plam Sunday Matthew 21:9..then in 5 days later we are crying crucify Him!
I believe Peter and John went to the tomb, to satisfy themselves of the truth of what was told them, and to see if they could make any further discoveries, John 20:3,4. When Mary told them what she had seen, they would not in this sense take her word, but would go and see with their own eyes.It isn't that Jesus wasn't telling the truth...its our fickleness in our heart to believe the truth. What is the reason that we are so slow of heart to believe?
I believe Peter and John went to the tomb, to satisfy themselves of the truth of what was told them, and to see if they could make any further discoveries, John 20:3,4. When Mary told them what she had seen, they would not in this sense take her word, but would go and see with their own eyes.It isn't that Jesus wasn't telling the truth...its our fickleness in our heart to believe the truth. What is the reason that we are so slow of heart to believe?
" I have learned that when those kinds of inner voices dominate, I often look back in regret and shame for letting them grab the control levers of my life. They promise me life at its best but consistently leave me empty, disappointed, guilty and embarrassed. "
God bless you. "