Acts Ch.5 Ananias and Sapphira
What happens to most of us when money comes before God?Ananias and Sapphira in chapter 5 of Act , makes us take a hard look at our own issues with money.When Ananias and Sapphira received the money , their heart failed them, and they kept back part of the price-Acts 5:2, because they loved the money, and thought it was too much to part with at once, and to trust in the apostles’ hands, and because they wanted it for themselves. We see this with the rich young ruler, that he would not pretend to follow Christ, he knew he could not come up to his terms, but he went away sorrowful. -Luke 18:18-20. Then difference with the rich young ruler and Ananias and Sapphira, was that the rich young ruler couldn't deceive Jesus, what was truly in his heart. So sad that Ananias and Sapphira could not take God’s word that they should be provided for, but thought they would lay up money for a rainy day. What knock me back, was as I went further into studies, Ananias I found out he was the first ministers of the 120 on Pentecost, being lead by the Holy Spirit. It's amazing even today, to see Ministries start of small lead by the Holy Spirit to grow the church, then Satan uses money to corrupt the spirit in men...