1 Samuel 27:1-7 David's 10,000 doubts
I was just reading we battle with about 10,000 doubtful thoughts a day in our mind. We have to fight to stay positive, I went to scripture in 1 Samuel 27 verse 1-7 I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul.. Why did David feel this way just after God gave him the promise of being King? It got to the point David went to dwell in the land of the Philistines (verse. 1, verse. 5-7).These are the same Philistines, were David defeated Goliath- 1 Samuel 17. When we endure long trials, we are in danger of tiring the faith and patience even best of men.The battle of the mind will clutter our hearts.The problem is that we keep inside and don't talk it out with someone endearing. We read that David assures this Philistine king that he is ready and willing to show what he and his men can do, against the people of God. What is a fellow like David doing in a spot like this?David pretends to be insane, going about the city scribbling on the gates and dribbling in his beard. The Bible goes deep ..even though David was accompanied by many, he seems somehow to have withdrawn into himself. His conversation in 27:1 is with himself (literally, the text informs us he “said to his heart”). David suffers from what I call the “Lone Ranger syndrome.” It is that false sense of “being alone” in your spiritual struggle, pain, or suffering. Even the prophet Elijah was struck with this malady:Whenever we think we are alone in our spiritual struggles, we are self-deceived and ripe for a spiritual fall. David seems to be in that “Lone Ranger” frame of mind. He is certainly not seeking wise counsel or the will of God here, means available to him if he but wished to avail himself of them