Amos Chapter 8
I have been knowing, what My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me, Where is thy God?Psalm 42:3 My sickness has cause me inmoblity in reaching my Bible to feed my soul with HIS word. In Amos ch.8 God speaks to the prophet Amos about the basket of summer fruit. We know that summer fruit only last a season. God has had enough of us, he want to give a famine of HIS word. This upset me so much, I ponder Amos ch.8 for over a month. Today God showed me that the famine of HIS word would be people that give the word, will not have heart and people will starve for HIS wisdom. Jesus spoke about this in a parable, Jesus peels back this onion in Luke 8:5-18 or Matthew chapter 13, talking in a parable about the seed being misplaced..some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture..some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it.. And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold.
The heart of us is like the soil as the seed is God’s word; we are capable of receiving God's word, and bringing fruits, but unless this seed is sown in our heart, it will bring forth nothing good. So the condition of the soil (our heart) has to be ready for the seed ( God's word) we can understand from Jesus's parable.
So the devil, will get into our condition(our heart) to make the seed( God's word) not take. The devil will do all he can to make us forget the word, not to believe the word..with every distraction possible Luke 8:12.
" The fact is that there will be times when our trials and sufferings feel, and appear to be unbearable. There will be times that it seems that God is far from us. But we must not give in to false evidence that appears to be real. We must declare to ourselves first, and then to those that are around us, that our faith in God is not circumstantial, and that we maintain a zero tolerance to even the slightest doubt about the goodness and faithfulness of God. " One of the reasons that bad things and bad times happen to us, is because God knows that we would never turn to Him, if things were so smooth.
The heart of us is like the soil as the seed is God’s word; we are capable of receiving God's word, and bringing fruits, but unless this seed is sown in our heart, it will bring forth nothing good. So the condition of the soil (our heart) has to be ready for the seed ( God's word) we can understand from Jesus's parable.
So the devil, will get into our condition(our heart) to make the seed( God's word) not take. The devil will do all he can to make us forget the word, not to believe the word..with every distraction possible Luke 8:12.
" The fact is that there will be times when our trials and sufferings feel, and appear to be unbearable. There will be times that it seems that God is far from us. But we must not give in to false evidence that appears to be real. We must declare to ourselves first, and then to those that are around us, that our faith in God is not circumstantial, and that we maintain a zero tolerance to even the slightest doubt about the goodness and faithfulness of God. " One of the reasons that bad things and bad times happen to us, is because God knows that we would never turn to Him, if things were so smooth.
clue. Finally, I went into my prayer room and sat on the floor. I couldn't
even muster up a word to say to the Lord. Instead, I cried out to Him from my spirit: “Lord, I don't know what to do. I feel so down I can't even reach out to You, yet I know I've never loved You more than right now. Please help me." When the devil comes with his spirit of discouragement, he bombards you with one lie after another. By the time he's finished, you're crying, "Oh, God, I'll never make it!"
This is just what the devil did to me. While in prayer, I endured his
bombardment of hellish lies for about half an hour. Then God's still, small
voice broke through to my spirit with these loving and compassionate words:
"David, you're greatly loved. Don't worry, My hand is upon you. You are under severe attack, but do not fear. You don't need any