2 King 6:13-23"Fear not!"

 I was reading 2 King 6:13-23, what Elisha said to his servant, spoke to me." Fear not, for they that are with us, to protect us, are more than they that are against us, to destroy us.The eyes of his body were open, and with them he saw the danger. Lord, open the eyes of our faith, that with them we may see his protecting hand.The troubles of this world, blinds our eyes, and  deludes us unto our own ruin; when God enlightens our eyes, they see themselves in the midst of our enemies. When Elisha had the Syrians at his mercy, he was influenced by Divine goodness as well as Divine power. Let us not be overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. The Syrians saw it was to no purpose to try to assault so great and so good a man.

To be able to see the army behind us, makes us have the confidence to go froward. "Time doesn't wait on fear...

And when the servant of the man of God, Elisha, had risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do?- 2 King 6:13-23.


The Good News said…
I was just reading we battle with about 10,000 doubtful thoughts a day in our mind. We have to fight to stay positive, I went to scripture in 1 Samuel 27 verse 1-7 I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul .. Why did David feel this way just after God gave him the promise of being King? It got to the point David went to dwell in the land of the Philistines (ver. 1, ver. 5-7) .These are the same Philistines, were David defeated Goliath- 1 Samuel 17. When we endure long trials, we are in danger of tiring the faith and patience even best of men.The battle of the mind will clutter our hearts.The problem is that we keep inside and don't talk it out with someone endearing. We read that David assures this Philistine king that he is ready and willing to show what he and his men can do, against the people of God. What is a fellow like David doing in a spot like this? David pretends to be insane, going about the city scribbling on the gates and dribbling in his beard. The Bible goes deep ..even though David was accompanied by many, he seems somehow to have withdrawn into himself. His conversation in 27: 1 is with himself (literally, the text informs us he “said to his heart”). David suffers from what I call the “Lone Ranger syndrome.” It is that false sense of “being alone” in your spiritual struggle, pain, or suffering. Even the prophet Elijah was struck with this malady: Whenever we think we are alone in our spiritual struggles, we are self-deceived and ripe for a spiritual fall. David seems to be in that "Lone Ranger" frame of mind. He is certainly not seeking wise counsel or the will of God here, means available to him if he but wished to avail himself of them.

The Good News said…
God gives us an opportunity to learn from David's humanity. David is not viewing his circumstances through the eyes of faith, but through human sight. His assessment of the situation is merely human. It ignores God's previous provisions, His promises,or His prophetic declarations. David is looking through human eyes, and all he can see is certain death, if he stays in Israel. His only “hope” is in the benevolence, power and provisions of a pagan king. It is not faith, but fear, which triumphs here. We can't listen to those 10,000 doubtful voice in our heads.
The Good News said…
There will be experiences in each of our lives. That we will have times of despair caused by real events in our lives, the valleys, and we will be unable to lift ourselves out of them. We can never let the sense of past failure defeat our next step ...
The Good News said…
When you wake up in a hospital bed, each and everyday..anxiety and fear, make you see your enemies trying to attack you.The prophet Elisha and his servant are in the town of Dothan. They've spent the night in this town. When morning came, Elisha's servant wakes up and looks out over the city walls. He is shocked when he sees that during the night, the Syrian army had surrounded Dothan and were demanding that Elisha be handed over to them.

Naturally the servant of Elisha was overwhelmed with fear because all he could see was the
visible enemy army surrounding the city. But, what he could not see was the invisible army of God's angels that had gathered to protect God's people. It was at this point Elisha prayed to God to open his servant's eyes and let him see what his human eyes couldn't see. Immediately, he could see the mountains roundabout them were full of horses and chariots of fire. Elijah was under God's protective custody. No wonder the Scriptures says in Psalm 34:7, "The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear HIM."

Just like Elisha's servant, you and I may not physically see an army of angels surrounding us in our daily struggles, but we can rest on the comforting promises in God's Word, that we're under His constant protection. We have nothing to be afraid of. We're not alone, God's with us.
The Good News said…
We rely on everything else but God ..for example, I'm reminded of the prophet Elijah’s experience. During his prophetic ministry, he learned to trust God to meet his daily needs. Shortly after Elijah pronounced God’s judgment of a drought in Israel, God sent him to a deserted place, where He used the ravens to bring Elijah his daily meals and refresh him with water from the brook (1 Kings 17:1–4). But a drought occurred. The brook shrank to a tiny stream, and slowly became a mere trickle. It was only when the brook had dried up that God said: “Go at once to Zarephath . . . . I have directed a widow there to supply you with food” (v. 9). Zarephath was in Phoenicia, whose inhabitants were enemies of the Israelites. Would anyone offer Elijah shelter? And would a poor widow have food to share? Most of us would rather God provided in abundance long before our resources were depleted rather than just enough for each day. But our loving Father whispers, Trust Me...
The Good News said…
The LORD said to Elisha: ‘Tomorrow about this time a seah of fine flour shall be sold for a shekel, and two seahs of barley for a shekel, at the gate of Samaria. What God was telling Elisha was that in 24 hours the economic situation in Samaria would be completely reversed. Instead of scarcity, there would be such abundance that food prices would radically drop in the city.’ In our current situation, it's almost impossible to believe, especially when we have been down so long, we don't know how to look up. Those lepers' made the decision to be obedient, the 4 of them said what do we have to lose either way we die....
The Good News said…
By the standards of that time, the prices listed were not cheap; but they were nothing compared to the famine conditions associated with the siege. “By the next day conditions would so improve that good products would be available again, even though at a substantial price.”2King 7:1-16 Let look at our Pandemic situation today... the whole world is going through this COVID-19 crisis, how much harder is it to believe things are going to get better. When we stay in the valley of doubt, it's the one thing God will not except from us.
The Good News said…
—do what’s right by doing what God says. Every time. Not only will it get you on track but someone might just notice how wonderfully different you are!
The Good News said…
When an army besieged Israel, a host of literal angels protected Elisha. But Elisha’s servant couldn’t see them. “What shall we do?” he cried to the prophet ( 2 Kings 6:15). Elisha simply prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord , so that he may see” ( 2 Kings 6:17).

When we look to God, our crisis will show us what truly matters and that we’re not alone. We learn that God’s comforting presence never leaves us. He shows us His love in infinitely surprising ways. When that bank account, can't meet all our obligations...no food for your children...this pandemic causing you so much anxiety. There is nowhere to turn but GOD.
The Good News said…
You see, when the season is at the worst, and most unpromising, the Lord will turn darkness into light; deliverance comes when we are done looking for darkness.-Zechariah 14:1-7

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