" The Road Less Taken "
...My favor poem is by Robert Frost..." The Road Less Taken "...it puts every decision I have to make into prospective. When I always read this poem...I always envision were I would be a year later...some of us won't think that far. These decisions in life are so profound.. we are free to choose, but we do not really know beforehand what we are choosing between. Our route is, thus, determined by an accretion of choice and chance, and it is impossible to separate the two. The poem doesn't even help us out, it digs so deep into our sub-consequence.. the poem seems more concerned with the question of how . What is so amazing about this poem..is that it mess with us... the nature of the decision is such that there is no Right Path—just the chosen path and the other path. Over the many years I have read this poem, there could be only one conclusion I could walk away with... “seize the day.”
