"About Life"

It’s one of life’s strange mysteries. Some people would say that life has no possession, but no. They’re wrong. Life has a lot of things. Like you. You are just one of life’s little action figures. Life pretty much owns every living thing. “Living” comes from the word life, in fact. Life owns your dog, your cat, your hamster, anything you own. Life also owns mysteries. If you have a secret, and it’s a mystery, you’d think you own that mystery, but no. Even if it’s your personal secret, it’s not personal. You share your secret with life. Life hears anything you speak, or even think. Life knows your name, your age, your secrets, life knows everything. Life can listen to your secrets, but you can’t listen to life’s secrets. Yes, life has secrets too. But it doesn't share. And its secrets are what people call, or I call, life’s strange mysteries. But really life knows it’s not a mystery. As I said before, life knows everything. It’s just one of life’s secrets. And if you’re thinking, lives mean to not share its secrets, you should be sad. Because if we knew life’s secrets, the world would be a terrible place. There would be no excitement, no fun, and actually, you would know the future if you knew life’s secrets. Some people would probably think it would be pretty cool if you knew the future, but really, no. Like, for example, think about your favorite TV show or something. If you knew the future, you wouldn't stay so suspenseful toward the end of a show, “Wow! I wonder what’s going to happen next!” also, if you like reading, you'll know how all the books end and how they begin. And, you know there would be no question marks. Because, you would already know everything. Life only knows when your life ends. But, actually life will never die. Because its life. And life does its business. So, your right we should appreciate the little things that come into our life.... I hope this inspired you.


The Good News said…
Down deep inside—sometimes way down deep inside—there is this nagging feeling that we don’t quite have life figured out. That when we are really honest with ourselves, life isn't all we thought it would be. Shouldn't there be something more than the endless to-do lists? And, why does the pressure to perform and prosper make us feel like the proverbial donkey chasing the carrot dangling forever in front of us? And why is it that when we take life by the throat and pull off a smashing success, it quickly morphs into a mere memory as life trudges on?
The Good News said…
Life is a lot of work. What is it that gives us the strength to continue when we are tired and burned out? Sometimes an inspirational idea can help us renew ourselves and be filled with strength to fulfill our life's purpose. Inspiration comes in many forms. However, the root of all inspiration is the idea that our lives are meaningful. Inspiration is knowing that what I do matters deeply to the universe. When you have the feeling that your actions are meaningful, you will become filled with strength and vigor to fulfill your life's purpose.

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