Ezekiel 37:1-2..

Maybe like Ezekiel 37:1-2..you have wondered, “God, all I can see before me are difficult things. Why are You leading me through this dark valley?” It is because in the valley of dry bones, there is no other source of life. We have no breath of our own there, no power or strength. The valley of death brings us to a place of total dependency. Looking back, I thank God for every moment . In the midst of all my life’s dry bones, I see that God orchestrated a place where my life ends and His life begins.


The Good News said…
When we are overburdened, the world seems a colder place. The sun may be shining, but our heads are bowed low, so we don’t notice. The birds sing, but our ears are filled with the cries of our hearts—exclamations of pain, sorrow and weariness. We put distance between us and others as our problems absorb our time and attention. Perhaps we are weighed down by unmet expectations, sudden trauma or death, or simply too much responsibility.Jeremiah 6:16 ends with God pointing out the Israelite's’ response: “But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.”’ It is only when we trust in the Father’s plan that we will find relief from our burdens. Let us stand, look, ask, and walk so that we might find the rest which the Lord has promised for our souls.Let go and let God restore and refresh our life.
The Good News said…
If we can only hold our breath, could we continue to dream. To not lose this moment, our only desire is to make these moments to last. It could never hold on to us, the times of sweet memories come flooding in, never being enough. A touch that leads into an embrace, a hug that washes all of the pass mistakes. Joy that captures the heart when Jesús home lives in our empty space. The image starts with the Scripture from Revelation 3:20 in mind: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” Only WE can open the door. Jesus will not push it open without our permission out of deep love and care for us.

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