"What are you doing here, Elijah?"

God put on my heart 1 Kings 19 verse 9, were Elijah also had seek God in a cave..Then he came there to a cave and lodged there; and behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and He said to him, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" Elijah was very depressed because Jezebel was looking to kill him...similar to King Saul trying to kill David and he hid in a cave were he wrote Psalms seeking God, at his lowest point. I had a cave experience on Mother's Day..with MS, our brain disconnect with the rest of our body and we need help...my Mom took care of me, on a day I was suppose to take care of her. When Jezebel, the royal patron of the Baal prophets, hears of Elijah’s actions she sent a messenger to inform him that she will have his life ( 1 Kings 19:2). Jezebel was my MS, I layed there for hours not able to move..debating on calling out to Mom for help me. Like Elijah I felt like giving up..it was the final straw.Then Mom rescue me once again and God spoke to me and said "What are you doing here, David?"


The Good News said…
We have reached that midnight hour and we have come to the end of ourselves. Rest assured that, according to the Word of God, this shall not be the case. Each day, though it bring its trouble,it shall also bring its help.You see in that midnight hour is when God can do his work, we have come to the end of ourselves and we have nothing left but faith. And God promises, when we have come to that point, we shall never know a real lack.--
"The barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord, which he spake by Elijah."
1 Kings 17:16
The Good News said…
When you feel like you need to cry, when you want to just get it out, relieve some of the pressure from the inside - that is true pain. Because no matter how hard you try or how bad you want to, you can't. That pain just stays in place. Then, if you are lucky, one small tear may escape from those eyes that water constantly. That one tear, that tiny, salty, droplet of moisture is a means of escape. Although it's just a small tear, it is the heaviest thing in the world.
People in grief do not always need words. Sometimes they need someone to sit silently with them, to listen when they need to speak, and to hug them when their sorrow turns to sobs
The Good News said…
"The still small voice must be tried.” When you and I go through difficult times, we may feel God is silent or far. We want God to show up in this big victorious way, but in reality, God often reveals himself to us in the gentle whisper. God is saying to us that he can't win our hearts with the whisper....we want to have the big event, the great displays of force, in tremendous demonstrations of power; we have to trust rather in the still soft influences of the distilling dew of God’s Spirit, and the gentle rain of the gospel. We are always looking for preaching that would, sends a great wind blowing while preaching such sermons, but the Lord is not in the wind; there may be a great earthquake, and the people may shake and quake with terror, but the Lord is not in the earthquake; our pulpit may be lurid with the fire of coming judgment, but the Lord is not in the fire. It is true that we are to preach the terror of the Lord; but, like Paul, because we know the terror of the Lord, we are to “persuade men.”
The Good News said…
There may be no excitement in our congregation, no sensation may be created by the preaching, but the Lord will be in it. He always has been in such preaching as that, and he always will be. A preached Savior must mean saved sinners before long, but even where sinners are not saved, if we faithfully, lovingly, and earnestly preach the gospel to them, we are to God a sweet savior of Christ in those who perish as well as in those who are saved. So let us still be content to go on, and on, and on, and on, preaching either in the pulpit or one on one.....

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