Encourage Myself
Often when I find myself discourage, I resist the difficult places that I find myself in, not understanding why I must face one more heartache, or yet another crushing blow. Most, often my defense is to run away, to hide within myself, pulling the proverbial covers up over our heads in defeat. Then I realize, It’s not about tomorrow or yesterday or next month when the bills are due. It’s about right now, this very moment. Instead of running in fear, I have to overcome my own timidity and take the first step. I have to find the strength to encourage myself, even when I can't find others to do so.
Without encouragement, there are things I may experience that can kill my spirit, faith and my identity. In losing hope I begin to lose myself. I can forget everything, my strength, my hope, my self-esteem, my pride, my past achievements and then I become what the circumstance says I am. For example if I'm broke instead of thinking this is a temporary circumstance, I begin to think I am poor. If I have failed in an exam or in business I begin to think I am a failure.
Without encouragement, there are things I may experience that can kill my spirit, faith and my identity. In losing hope I begin to lose myself. I can forget everything, my strength, my hope, my self-esteem, my pride, my past achievements and then I become what the circumstance says I am. For example if I'm broke instead of thinking this is a temporary circumstance, I begin to think I am poor. If I have failed in an exam or in business I begin to think I am a failure.
― Maya Angelou
When I think about how Dr. Maya Angelou, would stress this all through her precious works, I think about the person who just lost their job, the person who is so depress they can't get out of bed, the bad news given to a patient leaving the Doctor's office.. etc. It really does take courage to take the next step, to overcome life's difficult places.
If we are going to ever do anything worthwhile, there will be times when we must risk everything by leaping into the dark. In the spiritual realm, Jesus Christ demands that we risk everything we hold on to our believe through common sense, and leap by faith.
Trust completely in God, and when He brings you to a new opportunity of adventure, offering it to you, see that you take it.
“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”
― Maya Angelou