Jesus in the boat-Matthew 8:23-27
My heart has been praying for the people who are in desperate need with the devastation of Hurricane Harvey. The Lord,brought me to scriptures Matthew 8 verse 23-27...when the ship was cover with waves, Jesus was asleep and the disciplines were afraid and awoke him to save them, fearing they would perish. Jesus was upset because their eyes were on the storm and not on Him, who was in the boat. The Lord, may send storms in our lives because we have taken our eyes off the Lord... he is greater then the storms that come into our lives. During these times of distress, He gets us alone to let us see that He is all we need to get through and find strength for others who need a helping hand...a hot meal, a rebuilding, or even a financial need. That's how we can let others see Jesus in the boat also.
Thankfully, Psalm 46:10 calls on us to let go. But it’s not letting go without knowing to whom we’re letting it go. Notice that the verse says, “Be still, and know.” Normally, when life is a confusing puzzle, what we know is overshadowed by what we feel. Our emotions threaten to drown us like a scary tsunami. It’s easy to get submerged in a wave of anxiety or a surge of self-pity. But notice that God says the only way we are going to be able to let go and relax is to remember who God is—and to know that He loves us, that He is not confused, that He is in the details, and that, as we obey and trust Him, He is working to make sense of it all.
• First, the sailors came to their wits’ end, giving up on all human hope or help. They said, “There’s no way we can save ourselves. Nobody on earth can get us out of this!”
• Second, they cried to the Lord in the midst of their trouble—turning to Him alone for help!
“Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he bring them out of their distresses. He makes the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still. Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he brings them unto their desired haven” (Psalm 107:28-31)