The kindness of the Shunammite woman to Elisha-2 Kings 4:8-37
As I dig deeper into 2 King chapter 4 verses 8-17.The kindness of the Shunammite woman to Elisha, showed me that God wants to bless a good sprite heart both the giver and the receiver. We ask God, for blessings, but God is looking at our intent in the heart, We ask .. "Lord why don't you give me one million dollars.’’..because he knows what we would do with it, instead of helping the widow and the orphans ..James 1:27..Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. Is that house, luxury car, or bank roll, more important that the things God cares about. This woman was a great women of wealth, but the one thing her and her husband long for was a son..something money couldn't buy.This women knew this stranger, Elisha , was a holy man of God, who therefore would do good to their family, and God would recompense the kindness done to him. Elisha consulted with his servant what kindness he should do for her. Gehazi reminded him that she was childless, had a great estate, but no son to leave it to, and was past hopes of having any, her husband being old. If Elisha could obtain this favor from God for her, it would be the removal of that which at present was her only grievance.So the promise was a surprise to her, and she begged that she might not be fooled by it: The event, within the time limited, confirmed the truth of the promise: She bore a son at the season that Elisha spoke of, verses 17. As the boy grew, later he slept the sleep of death (verses, 20), was well in the morning and dead by noon: all the mother’s care and tenderness could not keep him alive. A child of promise, a child of prayer, and given in love, yet taken away. I believe she had a strong belief that the child will be raised to life again: because she in this faith she makes no preparation for the burial of her dead child, but for its resurrection; for she lays him on the prophet’s bed (verses, 21).When she seek out Elisha for help, she said ; Did I not say, Do not deceive me? We get this way