Mary Magdalene

The Lord woke me up with a heavy heart today..... about how Jesus came to, care about our needs and wants, but we never even asked him how he feels. Isaiah 53: 3-6 (The Message): There was nothing attractive about him, nothing to cause us to take a second look. He was looked down on and passed over, a man who suffered, who knew pain first hand. One look at him and people turned away. We looked down on him, thought he was scum. But the fact is, it was our pains he carried— our disfigurements, all the things wrong with us. We thought he brought it on himself, that God was punishing him for his own failures. But it was our sins that did that to him, that ripped and tore and crushed him—our sins! He took the punishment, and that made us whole.

Through his bruises we get healed. We’re all like sheep who've wandered off and gotten lost. We've all done our own thing, gone our own way. And God has piled all our sins, everything we've done wrong, on him. But there was Mary Magdalene, she knew what the Lord had done for her, she came with the offering of taken some very expensive perfume and using her hair to anoint his feet. And she supported the ministry with her own money. And follow Jesus were ever he went. And was there to comfort Mother Mary and Brother John at the cross,and was the first to visit him at the tomb with herbs and spices to change his dressing.....But he has Risen!!!

I believe we all have at lease one Mary Magdalene, in our lives. The one that is always by our side in goodness and in health. The one that never leaves the hospital room when you were very ill, or hurt. The one that services you every meal come rain or shine. The one that cares about your day, how you feel... who will go that extra mile to make you happy. Thank God for those Mary Magdalene's in our lives......


The Good News said…
Today, I thought about Mary Magdalene how once she encounter JESUS, she did not allow her pass to invade her mind. We sometime allow the noise in our head to bring up our pass sins and then we fall back into those same sins.All Mary saw was JESUS, her pass sins didn't become her addictions.
The Good News said…
Luke 7:44, And turning to the woman, He said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? When I entered your house, you did not give Me water for My feet, but she wet My feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. Jesus has been speaking to me about my devotion to Him being too routine ...reading the same scriptures when I open my eyes, only calling on Him when I need help..even when I call on His name its just a whisper not a yell as one would at a ball game. This pass week I was taken to the hospital, my illness has progressed to the point of leaving me paralyze in my legs and I had stopped breathing in my sleep. So you can imagine my battle in my mind during this storm. During this time of insulation, made me call on Jesus in away I never would have imagine. Mary has done much more: she has washed my feet with tears, tears of affection to Jesus, tears of affliction wiping them with the hairs of her head, in token of her great love to me.” I didn't even find a basin, figuratively speaking to even offer to wash Jesus feet...I was asking why me again Jesus, how much more can I take, after they saw on my C-San what they saw they put me on morphine IV drip, the whole time I was in the hospital, the nurse saying to doctor this guy is in unbearable pain, not even asking me. As I mention earlier, I would mostly call on Jesus, when I was in trouble,yet alone under my breathe, Mary, has not ceased to kiss Jesus' feet (Luke 7:45), thereby expressing both a humble and an affectionate love.” Now I scream JESUS from the top of my lungs with tears following like water. After coming from the hospital , my Mom, my caregiver, saw in my face of me giving up as I was having a very hard time...we both screamed out JESUS from the top of our lungs. And finally Mary, has bestowed a box of precious ointment upon Jesus feet (Luke 7:46), so far has she outdone thee.” Give all she had, because He had given all for why should I complain about this broken body of mine, when Jesus took my suffering on the cross for me..Thank You for listening and your precious prayers!
The Good News said…
I believe we all have at lease one Mary Magdalene, in our lives. The one that is always by our side in goodness and in health. The one that never leaves the hospital room when you were very ill, or hurt. The one that services you every meal come rain or shine. The one that cares about your day, how you feel... who will go that extra mile to make you happy. Thank God for those Mary Magdalene's in our lives.....
The Good News said…
Was just thinking about, Mary Magdalene, she knew what the Lord had done for her, she came with the offering of taken some very expensive perfume and using her hair to anoint his feet. And she supported the ministry with her own money. And follow Jesus were ever he went. And was there to comfort Mother Mary and Brother John at the cross,and was the first to visit him at the tomb with herbs and spices to change his dressing.....But he has Risen!!! Amen!
The Good News said…
Dear friend, you have been saved by grace, and you have an alabaster box upstairs which you have long meant to bring down, but it is still there. Half-a-dozen times or more, when you have had your heart warmed by the love of Christ, you have felt that now was the time to bring out the box, but it still remains sealed up. You were so pleased with yourself for having such earnest feelings and generous resolutions that you stopped to admire yourself, and forgot to carry out your resolutions. You have done nothing, though you have intended a great deal. Do you not sometimes feel as self-satisfied as if you had done something wonderful when, after all, you have only mapped out what you think you may possibly do at some future time? Indeed, it is a very easy thing to make yourself believe that you have really done what you have only dreamed about. This is wretched child’s play, and the woman before us would have none of it. She saw the occasion and she seized it.

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