" Could You Worship another Deity?"

If your asking me how would I distinguish God from other gods, it comes from searching the meaning of what Love is. Once I found out that God is Love, I could recognize and hear the voice of God. Of course you would ask me how could your God be the God of love with all the terrible hurt and crime and dying in the world. And I would say that's why he his love, with all the despair, He comes in and comforts and heals the broken hearted. The God of Love gives us chooses (free will) to decide whether to except his love, and sometimes we have to hit rock bottom to sense that void in our heart, and God can fill that.

I can distinguish God when I become quiet, both outside and inside (Psalm 131:2). I hear God when I simplify my life. When I simplify my life, it seems to amplify God's voice. Simplify to amplify. We do not fully understand many things about the world we live in, for example what lies behind the force of gravity for instance, or the exact function of subatomic particles. Yet we believe in these physical realities. And yet I don't make gravity, or subatomic particles, my god, I know a Higher Power has to be involve. Yes there has been times I made my house, my car, my job etc. gods and I've worshipped them to the fullest. But I have found out quickly they all have gone by the waste side.

This question can only be asked by a believer for if the answer is that there is no God , then there are no questions. Without a God, most of the world has no destiny and no purpose. Human beings may decide to act as they wish for there is no accountability. So why do we choose our gods? The very fact that even those who claim they are non-believers incessantly ask, where God was, is in fact the greatest proof that they too, deep in their hearts, believe there is a God, only they are aching for an answer to the question. To be more benevolent one may says that, in fact, they want to believe in God but, tragedies in life poses a question of such dramatic proportions that they feel they cannot believe.

So the answer is no I can't worship another deity, who I didn't recognize... because He is in my heart and I know his voice.


The Good News said…
I once heard an expression. If you smashed a clock into a thousand pieces, placed it in a bag and began shaking it, do you think you would ever get that clock back in working order, as if it were new again? That’s what I think about the universe. There’s just no way without him. To us, we have to “physically” see things to believe them because that’s what we are, physical beings. Our brains sometimes don’t understand that this world shows us God everyday. When I look at a pretty sunset, the clouds, trees, animals, childbirth, good memories, just all of the beauty in the world, to me it’s like you couldn't get any closer to God than if you were physically walking with him.
The Good News said…
Awe is the condition of a man’s spirit realizing Who God is and what He has done for him personally. Our Lord emphasizes the attitude of a child; no attitude can express such solemn awe and familiarity as that of a child.
The Good News said…
He is in the laughter of the children playing outside your window. He is in the roses in your garden and the majesty of a starry night. And most of all, he has been right there inside of you ever since you were born, telling you when you were doing something wrong and when you were doing something right.....
The Good News said…
A bird flies in the sky and thinks that it will soon reach the limits. But when it tries. it finds the end of the sky is limitless. We are like that bird, similarly when trying to have a conception of God, the soul finds that however high it may soar, it cannot get an end, the conception of the infinitude of the infinite dawns upon it. The worshipers aim is to know god and not to know the whole of him. A child knows its mother so far as she is its mother. To know the whole of the mother is impossible for the child and unnecessary too. I know that God is my God. This satisfies me. He may be much more than that. I cannot know it. My, not being able to know it means that he is infinite and I have a glimpse of his infinitude. Idols are an obstacle in our way of having this realization.
The Good News said…
This whole world, our entire life, is an orchestra of God’s sounds and sights and beauty...lets go deep ... the eye cannot see God and it is a vain quest on the part of man to try to see him. We also haven seen ourselves, we only have seen our reflection in the mirror, in concept we have never seen our full physical body. The eyes cannot see him, ears cannot hear him. one thing that people need to be taught is that just as they cannot see their own-self and yet they feel that they are, similarly God is invisible , will remain invisible and will never assume visibility under any circumstances or for any reason. If you are anxious to remember God by observing his work, why have temples or idols? Your finger will teach you all the lessons you need. Even a blade of grass or the wing of a butterfly will do.

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