Forsaking All I Take Him!

I just though of another example of faith....

If I take a chair and ask you if it will hold me up what will you say? I can study this chair and know that it is solid and strong. I can watch other people sit in it and come to the conviction that it is able to hold me up. But it will never hold me up until I do what? Until I sit in it. Even if I am not so sure, but I still take a seat and it is a strong chair, it will hold me up. That's Forsaking All I Take Him!

We live by faith, everyday without even thinking about it. You got up today believing that your clothes would be in your closet, that breakfast would be served, and that there would be a a job there this morning. You did all of this up till this moment without questioning any of it. Yet, someone could have stolen your clothes, the job could have burned down, and you might not have shown up. Thieves, fires, and no-shows happen every day - they just don’t happen to us. You also take risks when you exercise this faith without thinking. For example, you go to doctors whose names you may not even know, receive prescriptions you can’t read, take it to pharmacists you’ve never seen, and take the medicine he gives you without understanding what’s in it. You do all of this without examining the credentials of the doctor, questioning the validity of the prescription or the accuracy of the pharmacist or investigating the effects of the medicine. You could be killing yourself, but you never think about it twice! You simply trust that things are as they should be, and this is the experience of faith. But the kind of faith we use every day is not sufficient when in it comes to the big decisions in life (think about).

The church today uses " the believe of faith" which Jesus ministry, was all about but do they really believe what they preach, when it come to action? Mark 9:24 "Straight-way the father of the child cried out, and said, I believe; help thou mine unbelief."


The Good News said…
I was thinking, “How can I be still? If I'm in a crisis. But that’s what God is asking me to do—stop struggling against the problem, take a deep breath, and put my hands down. But ceasing to struggle has a downside—I feel extremely vulnerable when I've lost all my defense mechanisms! Which is why I need to be reminded not only to cease striving but also to “know” who God is. Knowing Him reminds me that He is not only a God of great compassion but that He has a great capacity to help. He wants me to be still and to allow Him the opportunity to be actively involved in the midst of my problem.

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