This man has done nothing ...

Jesus, has been taking me on his journey to the cross...and I have come to Mark chapter 15 verse 27. The two thieves that were on the right and left on the cross next to Jesus. What hurts me to my heart is the one thief,  he was  in so much pain and agony, and in the valley of the shadow of death, yet this did not humble his proud spirit. He challenges Christ to save both himself and them, in his rudeness. The other thief, at first did come against Christ,  but something in his heart changed at the last minute. What moved me to my core is what the thief that surrender to Christ said to the other thief inLuke 23:40-41...  Dost not thou fear God?  For me this statement acknowledges that our sin puts us on that cross. Knowing  Jesus was there for our sake, to take on our sins. The Spirit of grace enlightened him with this knowledge, and enabled him to say, This man has done nothing ...


The Good News said…
The two thieves that were on the right and left on the cross next to Jesus, makes us look at ourselves in the mirror. When sin allows pride and ego, to look away from what Jesus has done on the cross. We put Jesus right back on the cross when humility does not come into our hearts to peel back the layers of self. I thought about how desperate we have to become, to set out and pursue the One who pursues us. We have to counted the cost and say, “ It's well worth it – to know not how, but to go after God despite everything.” Who woke us up in the morning and put us in our right mind? Giving us life each any everyday, we can't do that for ourselves. Many times it's not until we hit rock bottom, that we realize God is going that far for us, to pick us up out of our mess, walking each step of the way with us.
Think about it...the Father who gave everything that we might know life in all its fullness. Holding nothing back, the Father delights in us, sings over us, chases after us, cares deeply about us, and sent His only Son to die for us. And what should be the only possible response to this wonderful love? . . . To hold nothing back of ourselves.
I believe that, God wants us to enjoy life in every way possible. But do we want to, or are we satisfied with our old, miserable, negative situation? it's your responsibility to make the first move. Once we understand this, then it is really up to us on how far we want to go. God has made a provision for everything we need. Now He is waiting for us to take that first step. Until we take it, we will just sit and be ineffective. Isn't it amazing, it takes, the coming to the end of ourselves to gain this knowledge, to be completely broken.. to open our eyes.-Mark 15:27
The Good News said…
When we struggle in the circumstances of life, an encouraging word from others can lift our spirits and our eyes to the Lord. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah wrote, “The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary” (50:4). And when we look to the Lord, He offers words of hope and light in the darkness.

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